12 Days of Start Up: Day One, Is self-employment for you?

ShirleyBy Shirley Hermiston

As we prepare for the festive period, people naturally take this time to reflect on the year that’s past and think about the opportunities awaiting them in the New Year. For some people, starting a business is an exciting prospect for 2017.

This series of blog will help us countdown to Christmas providing some useful information to those of you who are considering self-employment and hopefully get you on the right path to setting up your own business.

Starting your own business demands complete focus and dedication. For those that do take that step, it can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.
If you think self-employment may be for you, there are a few things you can do to get the wheels in motion.

Decide on what kind of business you want to start. If it’s something you enjoy doing and are passionate about, your customers will pick up on that and it will make running your business a lot more satisfying. This may be something you have done as a hobby in your own time or as a career.

Evaluate your current circumstances. People start a business for various reasons, maybe because of redundancy or a need to work around their children, or even just because they want a change. Ask yourself this: Are you financially and emotionally prepared for this? Have you got a good support system around you, as this is vitally important too!

Examine your personal finances. This will give an indication of how much money you will need to make. It’s particularly useful if you are currently employed and are contemplating leaving your job to run your business. It has to be worthwhile. We can help you explore the options and make the right decision for you.

Tomorrow we take a look at the benefits of being your own boss.

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