By Shirley Hermiston
Here at the BIC I get to hear about all kinds of weird and wonderful business ideas.
We often talk about the reasons people start a new business and where the passion and ideas stem from and in some cases, a change in circumstances can prompt you to consider self-employment.
In my last blog I touched upon making the decision on what kind of business you want to start and I have come to learn that franchises are becoming a popular option for people looking for a new career.
Investing in a franchise can have many advantages. For instance the brand already exists and it has an established reputation. You will be supported in building that brand and will use the franchisees current business model and systems that have a proven success.
You don’t necessarily need business experience either as the franchisee tend to offer training opportunities and an ongoing support network.
The BIC has supported many people who have decided to purchase a franchise including Nadia Smith from East Boldon. Nadia was considering setting up her own business when she came across an available franchise. Just a few months later she launched a new branch of Kalma Baby in Newcastle providing baby yoga classes. Nadia said:
“Kalma Baby is an existing brand and as a mother of three, with experience in reflexology and aromatherapy and a need to find employment, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for me.
“Being a part of a franchise is brilliant. I can fit it around my own children and have had a lot of support and training from the Kalma Baby team.”
Although you will have a specific business model to follow and ongoing support, you will still have the independence of owning a business.
Whilst there is no guarantee that the business will be successful, just like Nadia, many feel it’s worth giving it a go.
If you are considering starting your own business, whether it’s a brand new company or you are considering purchasing a franchise, our team of business advisers are here to help. Call 0191 516 6149 to make your free appointment.