Social media for business

Social media
With social networking at everyone’s fingertips it can be a valuable marketing tool for entrepreneurs.

Whilst traditional forms of advertising remain, social media advertising is becoming a high priority for many businesses including SME’s.

According to Statista, there were 2.4 billion social network users worldwide in 2015 and this figure is only expected to grow.

But how do you decide if social media is right for your business?

For a new entrepreneur or indeed any growing business, deciding whether you use social media can be very difficult and there are a few things you need to consider.

Firstly, are your customers using social media? If so, which platforms are they using?

Business strategyThis can depend on the type of business you have and who your target audience is. Remember not all of your customers will be using all of the platforms so choose carefully. Do your research and compile a social media strategy before setting up any accounts. There is nothing worse than a business profile that is not kept up to date.

Although lead generation is usually the long term goal, having a profile on social media is not just about showcasing your products and services, it also generates online brand exposure which can improve your reputation.

It also gives you the opportunity to listen to what your prospects and customers are saying. You can interact and have direct conversations with your customers and build relationships online without sacrificing quality.

Social media has also made it easier for businesses to listen to their competitors and stay up to date with the market in a cost effective way.

Another concern for businesses is getting bad feedback. I agree the thought of having anyone be negative about your business can be disheartening but you can’t please 100% of the people all of the time. And with the increasing number of users can you really afford to let this stop you having a social media presence?

The key is that you deal with negative comments promptly, professionally and not to take it personal. After all, negative comments can help you improve your business.

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