By Shirley Hermiston
Starting a business is now a serious option for young people in Sunderland, and there’s various reasons why many choose to go self-employed early on in life.
Speak to some people and you’ll undoubtedly hear that the older you are, the more likely it is you’ll see success should you decide to move away from the nine-to-five and start a business.
Young Entrepreneurs
In more recent times, however, there have been numerous stories of young entrepreneurs going self-employed, like 24-year-old personal trainer Nisha Chatterjee (pictured) and Jordan Carling, 23, a Sunderland theatre maker who started a business with our support.
Young entrepreneurs, like Nisha and Jordan, are an inspiration to others as only one in five 18-34 year-olds have a business idea according to, and with young people more likely to be unemployed than their elders, now could be the perfect time for young people to start a business.
For the younger generation, having fewer ties and commitments (such as family dependents or a mortgage, etc.) could be seen as a benefit, allowing them more time to focus on launching a business.
In terms of whether a young person is up to the task of running a business – we encourage them to make use of that youthful spirit! Yes, it takes a lot of effort to run a business, and a lot of work, too! Some believe a younger entrepreneur can have more energy and enthusiasm than their elders which can also make them more adaptable – especially with regards to technological disruptions and social media – something which millennials are increasingly taking advantage of.
In truth, there are many good reasons to start a business whatever your age, and of course, it can still be daunting despite the many pros associated with starting up early on in life, but fear not – there’s support out there – even if you’re yet to register a business!
Let us help you start your business
At the BIC we provide workshops exclusively available for anyone planning on starting a business. At these events we will discuss key matters such as getting customers, raising cash, marketing and more.
There are also various networking events to attend throughout the North East where people can meet up with like-minded individuals who are in the process of starting a business.
It’s never too early (or too late) to chase your dreams. If you’re thinking about becoming your own boss, and would like free business advice and support, please call 0191 516 6149 or book an appointment to speak to our start-up team.