Mr Bit Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services

Mr Bit Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services
L-R North East BIC’s Hina Johsi and Michael Potts, Mr Bit Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services

Mr Bit hopes to clean up with new mobile carpet business

A test driver turned entrepreneur is hitting the road on his own after launching his own mobile carpet cleaning business.

Michael Potts, 40, from Sunderland, set up his own business, Mr Bit Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services, after studying under one of the industry’s biggest names.

While undertaking an intensive three day course and with ongoing training at the National Carpet Cleaning Association (NCCA) in Kidderminster, Michael was trained by industry veteran, Paul Pearce.

Aside from being the NCCA’s technical and training director, Paul has cleaned carpets in Kensington Palace, The Mayfair Hotel and countless celebrity homes and yachts.

Michael was one of 14 people who participated on the course and one of only two to pass, making him the only carpet cleaner in Sunderland to be registered with the NCCA.

“I did lots of research prior to setting up the business and the NCCA stood out as the best place to start,” he said.

“There are a lot of people out there who offer it as a service, but very few are accredited by the NCCA, so I knew if I were to pass the course then it would really help me stand out.

“It was an intensive course but incredibly worthwhile. It allowed me to learn from one of the most revered people in the industry and learn all about the different ways of cleaning.

“For example, most cleaners only scrape the top of the surface, whereas the NCCA teaches you how to pre-spray, agitate and how long your dwell time should be, which is key to performing a real deep clean. I get right in and pull the dirt up to clean the entire thing.”

Michael suffers from OCD and it was this condition which inspired him to launch the business.

“Anyone who has visited my house will know how obsessive I am over keeping it clean and tidy,” he added. “I have OCD so as soon as I see something out of place or a speck of dirt, I have to immediately clean it up.

“This was what inspired me to set up. I knew I wanted to be my own boss and do something which gave me more freedom to work around looking after my young son, so I thought, why not put it to good use and get into carpet cleaning?”

Prior to setting up, Michael received support from the North East BIC, who provided him with his own dedicated business adviser and free advice and support.

“I was put in touch with the BIC by Pallion Action Group and I can’t thank them enough for all of their support,” he said.

“Hina [Joshi], my business adviser, is absolutely lovely and has helped me so much. She helped me craft a business plan, understand how to take the business forward and is always asking how I’m getting on.

Mr Bit Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services

“It’s only early days, but I’ve already got a number of jobs pencilled in and have started to grow a bit of a following on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok, especially thanks to the videos with my son, so I’m really looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.”

Hina said: “It has been fantastic working with Michael on his business journey and to see him finally get up and running.

“By studying in Kidderminster with the NCCA, he has given himself the best possible opportunity to stand out from the crowd, which is testament to just how dedicated he is to making a success of it. We’d like to wish him all the best for the future.”

The start-up support from the BIC forms part of the Enterprising Sunderland project which has received £1,271,885 from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund Programme, managed in Sunderland by Sunderland City Council on behalf of the Sunderland Partnership.

Cllr Kevin Johnston, portfolio holder for business, housing and regeneration at Sunderland City Council, said: “Enterprising Sunderland was set up to help the city’s more entrepreneurial residents realise their dreams of setting up their own business and Michael is a great example of that.

“By tapping into the support, he has been able to not only realise his dream of becoming his own boss, but also achieve a better work-life balance. It’s a great success story for the project and hopefully we will see many more follow suit.”

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