The BIC’s Christmas Market will be returning on Thursday 8th December from 10am until 2pm.
Held in the BIC’s Central Atrium, the market will host a selection of stalls including:
The Canny Chocolate Company
Diegos Joint
Rachel May Glass
Berry Rose Bakery
Bee Beautiful with Helen – The Body Shop
Grace House
The Heart of the Imagination
Nines Bakery
Infinity Wellness Clinic
Free cakes, refreshments and hot chocolates or bucks fizz will be provided.
So, why not pop along, grab yourself a festive drink and take in our wide range of gift ideas?
We’ll also have a carol singer joining us from 12pm and we’d love for you to join us too. It’s also Christmas jumper day so get involved in the festivities and pop on your best Christmas jumper or festive outfit!
No booking required.
(Some venders will be cash only and some will offer both cash and card)