The North East BIC’s Connecting for Good event is back for a Christmas special this December.
Connecting for Christmas is an exciting opportunity for Social Enterprises, Community Interest Companies and Co-operatives to get together and strengthen business connections in a relaxed environment.
Taking place on Wednesday 6th December, Choice Wellbeing Service CIC will kindly host this free event as well as speak about their own experience of setting up and running a CIC. BIC social enterprise experts will also provide an update on the current funding opportunities available right now for social enterprises and will be on hand for you to answer any questions.
Refreshments will be provided.
So whether you’re an established social enterprise, you’re just about to launch, or you’re still in the dream phase, come and join us and meet likeminded entrepreneurs who have a passion for making positive change.
To book your place at the event, please register with the BIC by completing the booking form above.
Venue details
Choice Wellbeing Service, St Marys and St Peters Community Project, Springwell, Sunderland, SR3 4DY