Sunderland Teenage Market

Organiser: BIC & Washington Mind

Join Washington Mind’s Young People’s Project for the next Sunderland Teenage Market, on Thursday 30th January.

In collaboration with the North East BIC, the Teenage Market gives young people a platform to showcase their talents and supports the next generation of entrepreneurs, providing an opportunity for them to be entrepreneurial, trial new business ideas and sell their products.

The BIC will welcome a group of young entrepreneurs to run their own market stall from 11am in the Atrium, selling products including:

  • Crocheted plushies
  • Stickers and prints
  • Mehndi
  • Badges, accessories, prints and more.

We recommend cash payments for these market days. Come along and check out what’s on offer!

Teen Market

Other upcoming workshops

How to find us...


North East Business and Innovation Centre (BIC),
Wearfield, Enterprise Park East,
Sunderland, SR5 2TA

Have questions? Speak to the team...

Enterprising Sunderland is the overarching title for this business support programme and is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Delivered by a unique consortium of delivery partners in Sunderland working together to stimulate entrepreneurial ambition across the city.
Sunderland Council Logo
Funded by UK Gov