Red Robot Systems Ltd
Stephen Harrington
01642 634865
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Red Robot Systems
Red Robot Systems Ltd is a software & systems development company based in Tees Valley. We have a wide range of experience in delivering systems & software development and consultancy that has a positive impact on business. Our focus is on building or giving you advice around your key operational systems that make a difference and help you manage your team more effectively so you can focus on growing your business. Our core solutions include: -
Software Development – Bespoke Solutions
Software to help resolve a problem you have or to improve your operations. Our most popular solution here is in the format of a web application – a portal which can be accessed from a web page by employees, customers and suppliers. The beauty of this is that you are effectively mobilising a system, so that it can be accessed anywhere there is an internet connection at any time of the day.
Joining your key systems together. Separate CRM, Accounts, Inventory and administrative systems are common-place and there is often not a lot of integration between these systems meaning you have to re-enter data, wasting time and increasing the likelihood of errors. Our solutions allow you to push/pull data from one system to another providing a link so that data doesn’t have to be re-entered.
Process Mapping & Policy Creation
A service to help you visualise your processes by mapping them and helping you document your policies. This will help to develop culture, provide protection for both you and your employees and allow company procedures to be followed properly. This means processes are controlled by the business and not by people - essential for continuity and growth. Mapping processes allows you to improve quality, reduce waste, document best practice and better understand your business.
Spreadsheet Solutions
We know how popular businesses find using spreadsheets, their versatility, ease of use and availability make Excel the cornerstone for many businesses. We can create clean, professional and intelligent spreadsheets that are easy to use.
To find out a bit more about us visit
If you want to talk to us about your next software or systems project get in touch with our friendly team: -
01642 634 865