Here at the North East BIC, we’re immensely proud to be launching a new, £8million office and lab space facility at the heart of Darlington’s Central Park development.
Together with our neighbouring site Business Central, the new centre is designed to support entrepreneurs with the workspaces and services they need to thrive.
Since opening Business Central in 2015, we have helped over 200 businesses to get started and expand and we are aiming to replicate this successful model at the all-new Innovation Central just a few minutes away. We’ll also be operating this centre on behalf of Darlington Borough Council, further extending the entrepreneurial ecosystem to give the best start to even more entrepreneurs in Darlington.
On target to welcome the first tenants this November, Innovation Central will offer 45 grade A offices and five labs… flexible workspaces where innovative businesses can start up and grow.
But Innovation Central is about more than just creating new commercial space, it’s about creating a collaborative and supportive community where todays innovators can truly excel. The past few years have shown us that workspace needs to be flexible, sustainable and geared towards helping businesses to collaborate and innovate. And as they adjust to new hybrid working models, people also want to be excited by their place of work.
Darlington has long been a centre of ingenuity and its entrepreneurial spirit will soon have a new central focus in the town. Supporting businesses for over 28 years, we recognise the increasing challenges that businesses face in adapting their services, creating new products and responding to new market conditions. That’s our rationale for launching a new innovation programme, a 6 month programme of 45 minute seminars and follow up one-to-one sessions, designed to explore how to market and sell innovative products and services.
The ‘Diffusion of Innovation’ programme will cover everything from understanding the opportunity offered by innovation to implementing an innovation strategy.
For more information about the programme or to find out more about Innovation Central email