North East social enterprises to be supported by innovation conference

Jane Hartley, Chief Executive of VONNE (Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East)

Jane Hartley, Chief Executive of VONNE (Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East)

Moves by the region’s annual innovation conference to extend its work to include supporting social enterprise have been welcomed by the sector.

Venturefest North East, to be held on 13th October at Gateshead Hilton, is introducing a new strand of activity to this year’s event to support and finance social enterprise and charities, alongside its usual work with innovative businesses.

The event will bring together a range of funders who are actively seeking organisations in which to invest and bring about positive outcomes for people, communities and society as a whole, as well as a financial return. Third sector specialists will also be providing guidance to social enterprises on how to source and secure funding in an increasing competitive environment.

Jane Hartley, Chief Executive of VONNE (Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East) said: “Charities and social enterprises in the North East are struggling to survive with cuts in public funding yet rising demands for their services. This event gives the chance to meet socially motivated investors and could prove a valuable alternative funding source so we’d urge organisations to register their interest.”

These additions to the Meet the Investor programme element of Venturefest North East further widen the appeal of the event to businesses seeking funding to grow their operations. The event already promises to gather under one roof 35 investors representing billions of pounds-worth of funding sources and the extension to cover social enterprises has been welcomed by the sector.

The investors taking part in the event are focused on identifying innovative businesses with strong potential in a broad range of business sectors and stages of growth, from tech start-ups to high value manufacturing.
Using a fast and effective format, organisations will be given the chance to meet a series of well-matched potential investors in a short space of time. Prior to the event, businesses are given support from the Business Growth Service to refine their business proposition to maximise their chance of securing investment.

Director of Venturefest North East Simon Green said: “A wide range of funds will be represented at the event, including investors who are specifically looking for social enterprises, charities and businesses with a commitment to bring about positive social impact.

“Though the investors will be interested in different types of projects, their one common goal is to uncover genuine enterprise ideas that will generate a return on their investment as well as social good.”
Social enterprises and businesses seeking funding can register their interest in the event.

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