Snapper gives dog its day

 Ian McClelland Photography.

Ian McClelland Photography.

A North East photographer is like a dog with a bone, after seeing his work appear on national television.

Wearside photographer Ian McClelland saw his pictures – commissioned by leading veterinary charity PDSA – used in ITV series Fat Pets: Slimmer of the Year, as well as appearing in a number of national media outlets to chart the weight-loss of North East hounds Daisy and Millie.

Mr McClelland, who works as a freelance photographer, was commissioned to take ‘before’ and ‘after’ shots of the overweight canines, both of which were put through the charity’s Pet Fit Club programme – a six month diet and exercise plan to help them shed the pounds. Daisy, six, a bulldog from Middlesbrough was eventually crowned ‘Pet Slimmer of the Year’ after losing almost a third of her body weight in six months. The pictures were used on ITV to chart the pooch’s progress, in her battle to beat the bulge.

Mr McCLelland, who worked as a newspaper snapper before setting up his company, which specialises in marketing and PR photography, said: “I love my job, and it’s always fantastic to see my pictures appear in the press, but to have my work shown on national TV was a real privilege.

“I work on so many different projects, and this was a really unusual brief, but lots of fun to shoot and the results were visually stunning.

“I was delighted when I saw that the pictures were used on TV. They do a great job in showing the huge amount of weight the dogs lost, and of getting across the personalities of the pets – as well as showing off the great work of PDSA to help the dogs to get in shape.”

For more information about Ian, call 0191 5121400, 07799888723 or email

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